UK - Onshore Cable

As well as considering the location of the converter station, factors affecting the onshore cable routes have also been considered.

Onshore underground DC cables will connect the subsea cables to the converter station in the UK. These cables will come ashore at Cambois Beach Slipway and run inland across agricultural land to the north of housing off Wembley Gardens, Cambois.

Close to the railway level crossing, the cable route will turn crossing under the railway line and going between Ferguson’s Business Park and the Sleekburn Business Centre towards the converter station.

Underground AC cables will be routed beneath Brock Lane to connect the converter station to a new Blyth 400kV substation.

The onshore cable in Norway will start its route at Kvilldal converter station and be connected to the sea cable by Suldalsvatnet.  The sea cable will go on the Sudalsvatnet seabed, through a micro tunnel and a conventional tunnel to Hylsfjorden and through the fjords out to the sea.

  • Factors which have influenced the cable routing study, and will continue to define the detailed cable route, include:
  • Avoiding ecologically sensitive areas and effects protected species
  • Avoiding built development
  • Minimising disturbance to residential areas, including the road network
  • Avoiding known archaeology
  • Avoiding other known planning proposals
  • Minimising effects on water courses
  • Minimising risk of encountering contamination
  • Avoiding existing utilities and services